Custom Query (432 matches)


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Results (67 - 69 of 432)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#114 mggr benj fixed Az* lever arm better with offsets

The az* lever arm format is currently gam/del/dst (two angles and a distance) for legacy reasons. These reasons are now irrelevant, so for clarity and ease of calculation it would be better if az* used x/y/z offsets (three distances) instead.

#116 mggr mark1 wontfix azgcorr seg fault

azgcorr ver 4.8.9, causes segmentation fault when processing the full data and also when processing certain "chunks" of data, defined by a number of lines. For example using a chunk of lines 1-5000 works ok, but 1-5200 fails. 1-12402 works ok, 1-12403 fails. This is using the Eagle data from IPY07-06.

#144 mggr mggr wontfix Incorporate EGM96 geoid code into azgcorr

Incorporate EGM96 geoid code into azgcorr, eliminating the need for geoid-spheroid separation files (Bill estimates ~3 days effort)

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