Custom Query (432 matches)


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Results (1 - 100 of 432)

1 2 3 4 5
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#36 WM2006/07, flight day 159/2006 amro flight processing immediate 2006 data processing completion Processing: general
#14 WM06-09, 158, Sinard (day), 7/6/2006 mggr flight processing immediate 2006 data processing completion azimport
#145 Wider scale geoid spheroid file needed benj enhancement alpha 5 2008 data processing completion az* programs
#302 when zooming on overview and profile pixels jiggle harg bug alpha 5 LAG
#217 VOC_15, flight day 319/2008, Chile benj flight processing alpha 4 high 2008 data processing completion Archiving
#216 VOC_14, flight day 318/2008, Chile benj flight processing alpha 4 high 2008 data processing completion Archiving
#215 VOC_13, flight day 318/2008, Chile benj flight processing alpha 4 high 2008 data processing completion Archiving
#214 VOC_11, flight day 315/2008, Chile mggr flight processing alpha 4 high 2008 data processing completion Archiving
#213 VOC_10, flight day 314/2008, Chile benj flight processing alpha 4 high 2008 data processing completion Archiving
#212 VOC_09, flight day 311/2008, Chile mggr flight processing alpha 4 high 2008 data processing completion Archiving
#211 VOC_08, flight day 310/2008, Chile benj flight processing alpha 4 high 2008 data processing completion Archiving
#210 VOC_07, flight day 309/2008, Chile benj flight processing alpha 4 high 2008 data processing completion Archiving
#209 VOC_06, flight day 308/2008, Chile benj flight processing alpha 4 high 2008 data processing completion Archiving
#206 VOC_05, flight day 307/2008, Chile benj flight processing alpha 4 high 2008 data processing completion Archiving
#205 VOC_04, flight day 305/2008, Chile benj flight processing alpha 4 high 2008 data processing completion Archiving
#197 VOC_03, flight day 304/2008, Chile mggr flight processing alpha 4 high 2008 data processing completion Archiving
#196 VOC_02, flight day 302/2008, Chile mggr flight processing alpha 4 high 2008 data processing completion Archiving
#195 VOC_01, flight day 300/2008, Chile mggr flight processing alpha 4 high 2008 data processing completion Archiving
#232 Validate 2009 calibration mggr task immediate ARSF
#298 using fence causes flight line colours to change chrfi bug alpha 4 low LAG
#328 user controled height colouring emca enhancement alpha 5 LAG
#410 UR11_01, flight day 215/2011, Poole Burn knpa flight processing alpha 4 low 2011 data processing completion Archiving
#293 UR09/01, flight day 334/2009, Cumbria Floods knpa flight processing immediate 2009 Data processing completion Archiving
#148 UR08/01, flight day 140, Black_Venn mark1 flight processing immediate 2008 data processing completion Processing: general
#13 Updates to ARSF website gaew task alpha 4 medium 2006 data processing completion ARSF
#23 Update ARSF ftp site gaew task alpha 4 high 2006 data processing completion ARSF
#199 Unable to re-interpolate nav on old level 1 HDF files benj bug alpha 5 az* programs
#258 TIFF tagger chrfi task alpha 5 2009 Data processing completion PML utilities
#70 Test radiometric calibration mggr task alpha 4 high 2008 data processing completion ARSF
#157 Test, flight day 127c/2008, polaris_house, knpa flight processing alpha 4 medium The Glorious Future Processing: general
#65 Test123 mggr task major ARSF
#66 Test123 mggr task major ARSF
#67 Test123 mggr task major ARSF
#68 Test123 mggr task major ARSF
#69 Test123 mggr task major ARSF
#667 SwathS, flight day 200/2021, Alconbury (Boresight) dac flight processing immediate Processing: general
#203 Support: 8/Dec/2008, Turkia Almoustafa, GB08/03 mggr support immediate Support
#204 Support: 8/Dec/2008, Abdulwasey Mohammed, GB06/07 mggr support immediate Support
#201 Support: 5/Nov/2008, Li Zhang, no code (old data) mggr support immediate Support
#182 Support: 3/Jul/08, John Stevenson, IPY07/02, general ATM queries mggr support immediate Support
#108 Support: 28/Mar/2008, Chris Hecker, WM06/06 mggr support immediate Support
#102 Support: 28/Jan/2008, Johanna Breyer (Pete Bunting), GB06-11 mggr support immediate Support
#172 Support: 26/June/2008, Chris Hecker, WM06/06 + ET07/05 mggr support immediate Support
#171 Support: 25/Jun/2008, Thomas Ruhtz, NL08/01 mggr support immediate Support
#71 Support: 22/Oct/2007, Elena Prado, WM2006-04 benj support immediate Support
#101 Support: 22/Jan/2007, Mohammed Haq (Mark Cutler), GB04/29 sbg support immediate Support
#130 Support: 22/Apr/2008, Ricardo Díaz-Delgado, EUFAR07/01 mggr support immediate Support
#42 Support: 20/July/2007, Chris Hecker, WM2006/06 mggr support alpha 4 high Support
#129 Support: 18/Apr/2008, Luke Bateson, BGS07/02 benj support alpha 4 high Support
#74 Support: 16/Oct/2007, Rachel Gaulton/Tim Malthus, GB06/05 benj support immediate 2007 data processing completion Support
#38 Support: 16/July/2007, Richard Teeuw (+Chris Hecker), WM mggr support alpha 4 high Support
#128 Support: 16/Apr/2008, Jon Atherton, (no project code) mggr support alpha 4 high Support
#2 Support: 15/May/2007, Rachel Gaulton, GB06/05 mggr support alpha 4 high Support
#27 Support: 15/May/2007, Karl Hennermann, ? mggr support alpha 4 high Support
#166 Support: 13/Jun/08, John Stevenson, IPY07/02, Lidar interpolation issue benj support alpha 5 Support
#35 Support: 06/July/2007, Peter North, ? mggr support alpha 4 high Support
#21 Support: 05/May/2007, John McArthur, ? amro support alpha 4 high Support
#56 Support: 01/Oct/2007, Johanna Breyer, GB06-11 mggr support immediate Support
#225 Specim synchronisation error mggr bug alpha 5 az* programs
#73 Specim sync errors mggr bug immediate Processing: general
#198 Southern hemisphere processing not working benj bug immediate az* programs
#305 select point show info harg enhancement alpha 4 medium LAG
#11 SCbedit & BSEQ/BIL external files in azgcorr mggr bug alpha 4 high azgcorr
#612 RG15/18, flight day 290b, Ribble flight processing immediate 2015 data processing completion Processing: general
#591 RG13/08, flight day 234b/2015, Monks Wood flight processing immediate 2015 data processing completion Processing: general
#590 RG13/08, flight day 234a/2015, Cambridge flight processing immediate 2015 data processing completion Processing: general
#537 RG13/08, AIRSAR, flight day 175b/2014, Wytham Woods benj flight processing alpha 4 medium 2014 data processing completion Archiving
#556 RG13/06, flight day 303/2014, Maliau Basin flight processing alpha 5 Processing: general
#554 RG13/06, flight day 302a/2014, Maliau Basin flight processing alpha 5 Processing: general
#553 RG13/06, flight day 298/2014, Danum Valley flight processing alpha 5 Processing: general
#552 RG13/06, flight day 297/2014, SAFE Area flight processing alpha 5 Processing: general
#550 RG13/06, flight day 294/2014, SAFE Area flight processing alpha 5 Processing: general
#549 RG13/06, flight day 293/2014, SAFE Area flight processing immediate Processing: general
#548 RG13/06, flight day 291/2014, Danum Valley flight processing alpha 5 Processing: general
#547 RG13/06, flight day 290/2014, Danum Valley flight processing alpha 5 Processing: general
#546 RG13/06, flight day 289/2014, Danum Valley flight processing alpha 5 Processing: general
#555 RG13/06, flight day 288/2014, Danum Valley flight processing alpha 5 Processing: general
#572 RG12/11, flight day 100/2015, Lincolnshire flight processing immediate 2015 data processing completion Processing: general
#457 RG12/10, flight day 250/2012, Luton Bedford knpa flight processing alpha 4 medium 2012 data processing completion Archiving
#463 RG12/10, flight day 249/2012, Luton tipo flight processing alpha 4 medium 2012 data processing completion Archiving
#450 RG12/10, flight day 208/2012, Milton Keynes adbe flight processing alpha 4 medium 2012 data processing completion Archiving
#530 RG12/09, flight day 172/2014, Wessex benj flight processing alpha 5 2014 data processing completion Archiving
#524 RG12/09, flight day 159/2014, Wessex flight processing alpha 5 2014 data processing completion Processing: general
#520 RG12/09, flight day 088/2014, Wessex dap flight processing alpha 5 2014 data processing completion Archiving
#88 Restricting level 1 processing by scan line causes error mggr bug alpha 4 high The Glorious Future az* programs
#249 Rescaling dark frames causes calibration errors benj bug alpha 5 az* programs
#224 Reprocessing: WM06/04, Mark Danson chrfi flight processing alpha 4 high 2006 data processing completion Processing: general
#307 real time point slection while draging cursor emca enhancement alpha 4 medium LAG
#601 RANNIS15/28, flight day 247b/2015, Hekla flight processing immediate Processing: general
#598 RANNIS15/28, flight day 244a/2015, Hekla flight processing immediate 2015 data processing completion Processing: general
#597 RANNIS15/28, flight day 242/2015, Hekla flight processing immediate 2015 data processing completion Processing: general
#596 RANNIS15/28, flight day 241b/2015, Hekla flight processing immediate 2015 data processing completion Processing: general
#595 RANNIS15/28, flight day 241a/2015, Hekla. flight processing immediate 2015 data processing completion Processing: general
#31 qcdisplay 437 segfault on raw ATM data mggr bug alpha 4 high qcdisplay
#3 processing:154 wm06-04-Madrid-3/6/2006 amro flight processing alpha 5 2006 data processing completion Processing: general
#164 pre_lidar_cal, flight day 016/2008 knpa flight processing immediate 2008 data processing completion Archiving
#43 Point cloud conversion in azgcorr mggr bug alpha 4 high azgcorr
#168 Overflow handling in azspec mggr bug immediate az* programs
#109 Output of ground coordinates in azgcorr mggr enhancement alpha 5 The Glorious Future az* programs
#289 Orthorectification and seamlining of RCD photos mggr enhancement whenever The Glorious Future Processing: general
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